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Fight against pcod


                 Lets fight against pcod. Inorder to fight , first we have to understand the problem then analyse it.

  Understanding pcod:

                          First of all this is not a disease. Doctors can not say exact reason of getting pcod and there is no exact medicine to cure pcod. Then why all these Metformin , clomid , 21 days period tablets, progesterone  etc .Whats all these stuff we are  taking and facing again on getting another side effects. Why this is staying in our body .. what resources we are giving to pcod and helping to stay in our body happily. What challenges pcod giving us... Lets think. 
                     Today many women after puberty facing this problem.. I got at the age 20. I thought i am the one who got this problem too early.  Do you know some are getting at the age 11. On knowing this i am very sad. I have done lot of search ; how to tackle this problem. With my own  research & with my experience i am sharing here my views. 
                      In my mind many questions... almost i cleared and then i fought against pcod. Now i am happy with my baby. 

 Challenges  pcod giving to us are :

 • struggling to get periods naturally & after marriage , pregnancy . 

 • Facing lot of difficulties to decrease weight.

 • Cravings 

 • difficult to control emotions.

  Resources to pcod :

                    If we stop or eat insufficient food what will happen? If we wont sleep for some days what will happen? Anything in world cant live without food or sleep. We can not take and throw out pcod so one thing we can do. Dont give any food to pcod. We are not letting pcod happily in our body. Try to control pcod by not giving resources. 
                    Resources are stress, anxiety, anger, depression etc. People who are having pcod, face to control emotions. So, do meditation and walking. Pcod want food to live so it sends message to our brain " eat sugary food, eat spicy food, drink cold beverages etc" . Control this by strong dedication . Please remember everyday count. If oneday you excuse , it grows fast. Send a message to your brain , " I am taking  care for myself and not letting this pcod stay stronger" . In this way, we can control and reach normal weight. Avoid food which grow pcod and eat healthy food to fight against pcod.
                    Good hormones release from brain when our mind is calm. Bad chemicals release from brain when we are in stress, depression, tension,.... Medicine, meditation, exercise , yoga , healthy diet , healthy environment, healthy eating habits all these are gateway to fight against pcod. 


  1. Nice elaboration, great narration, i too agree with you

  2. That’s great information! You have put lots of efforts into preparing this wonderful material! It helps lots of people! Useful information. I am very happy to read this. Thanks for giving us this useful information.

  3. Hiiii mam muze pcod hai

  4. Can u pls explain which foods we have to take while we have pcos

    1. I already clearly mentioned in this blog mam...please read every post in this blog..

  5. Hi mam, I don't eat any outside food. I followed all traditional diet when I first got matured also applied pasupu for all 11 days without any distraction and followed instructions of elders. Now am having facial hair, it is same like boys beard and moustache shape on body also. I didn't remove it BCS it would get back. When I initially observed unwanted hair on my upper lip I approached doctor and took treatment (she gave contraceptive pills) she said to use course of 6 months and I did. After that I observed more hair growing entire body like male
    Don't know wt to do for marriage I had to remove hair by using threading on upper lip and chip. Now upper lip hair is somewhat manageable by chin hair has changed rapidly and it's growing darker and coarse. Am trying to ignore the feeling as it would cause more stress bt everyone is pointing out at it when I go to ofc or outside. Am scared of using bsc I used allopathy and homeo famous specialist bt no use. Any suggestion for me pls though I and my mother grand mother has taken immense care for me still I got I like which none of my cousins have. Help me with reversal of this unwanted hair process sister

  6. I unaware on this unwanted hair treatment sister. Unwanted hair is due to hormone imbalance. self motivated, self love always sis. Stress cause hormone imbalance. Positive self talk, good diet ,meditation, hydrated give hormone balance. My suggestion is go for allopathy treatment. Consult best doctor. God Bless you sis.


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